Cornerstone Christian Academy is dedicated to providing a safe, secure, and happy environment for PK2 - 8th grade students before and after the school day. Before- and after-school activities are structured to support and enrich our students’ educational experiences.
After school, homework is a priority for our Lower and Middle School students. Our extended care employees provide an environment
conducive to study and homework guidance as needed.
After homework is completed, children have supervised time to engage in arts and crafts, active outdoor play, indoor games, activities and snack time. This serves as a time for students to enjoy each other socially within a less structured, yet supervised setting.
Hours are:
- Before-School Care - 7:00 - 7:30 a.m.
- After-School Care - 3:15 - 6:00 p.m.
- CCA offers extended care options on Early Release days. Times may vary.